Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 104

Price Realized: $ 358
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 250 - $ 350
POMPONAZZI, PIETRO. Tractatus de immortalitate animae. Title within wood-cut historiated border. 147 pages. 12mo, 136x78 mm, contemporary mottled calf gilt, missing lower half of backstrip, front cover detached; contents toned, later pencil marginalia. Stamp and ownership inscription of the Maurist library at St. Germain des Prés, Paris. Brunet IV, 799. Np, 1534 [i. e., France, mid-17th century]

Additional Details

Later reprint of a controversial 1516 treatise asserting the mortality of the human soul. DSB XI, 71.